P.I. Karpov

ISSN 2219-8245

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Epilepsy patients' family contexts: organizing and rehabilitation models

Kazennykh T.V. (Tomsk)



Kazennyh T.V.

Kazennykh Tatiana Valentinovna

Psychiatrist, candidate of medicine, scientific secretary at the Psychical Health Research Institute of Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, managing director of the Interdisciplinary Paroxysmal Condition Prophylaxis Centre.

E-mail: kazennyh@sibmail.com


Abstract. There are literary sources disclosing epilepsy patients' family features in the factor capacity interrelated with clinical displays in this article. An organizing medical and psychological aids model for patients and their relatives is introduced. Psycho-remedial work directions with family environment patients' efficiency estimate have been submitted.

Key words: epilepsy, family relationship destabilization factors, paroxysmal condition prophylaxis centre, clinical verification, psychotherapy methods, psycho-correction, life quality.




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