A.G. Ambrumova

ISSN 2219-8245

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Suicide spreading in Kazakhstan: tendencies and dynamics

Raspopova N.I. (Almaty, Kazakhstan)



Raspopova N.I.

Raspopova Natalia Ivanovna

–  is a doctor of medicine, assistant of psychiatry, psychotherapy and narcology department in Kazakh National Medical University of S.D. Asfendiyarov.

E-mail: pea83@list.ru


Abstract. The article considered the statistics about suicides spreading in Kazakhstan. It was revealed that during last 10 years indices of suicides quantity reduced on 23.1% but these indices in other regions exceeds "critic" level. High suicide risk is in East-Kazakh Region. Ecological factors, exactly results of nuclear weapon tests influence on the suicidal activity of population in this region. It was revealed by Kazakhs investigators. Ethno-cultural factors influence on the suicidal behavior development. They determine moral-ethic attitude to suicide. In south region of Republic, where Islamic people live, the quantity of suicide is lower than in north region, where Slavic people live. The correlation between women and men, who had made suicide, is 1:4.3. The tendency to suicides quantity increasing among girls till 29 years is very important.

Key words: Kazakhstan, suicidal behavior, epidemiology, ecology, ethno-cultural peculiars.




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