The history of medical psychology |
Gavrilov V.V. (Yaroslavl) |
Pavel Ivanovich Karpov is a tireless researcher of works relating to mentally disturbed persons and his time… Report 1 |
Actual problems of medical psychology |
Zalevsky G.V. (Tomsk) |
Anthropos — "person turned to high into the air" (integral-value paradigm in the context of anthropological psychology) |
Kotova S.A. (St. Petersburg) |
Problem supporting psychological health of helping professions members |
Rogacheva T.V., Malicova N.N., Zakharov M.A. (Ekaterinburg) |
Modern Russian Youths' Sexual Culture |
Psychiatry and narcology |
Borokhov B.D. (Jerusalem, Israel), Borokhov A.D. (Ramat Gan, Israel) |
Use of psycho-constitutional approachs in psychotherapeutic practice for the rehabilitation of alcoholics |
Medical psychodiagnostics |
Zoltan Vass (Budapest, Hungary) |
Validization of projective drawings: expert system analysis |
Kopytin A.I., Svistovskaya E.E. (St. Petersburg) |
Art-therapy scales of formal elements: Russian standartization and experience of its clinical use |
Psychotherapy and social rehabilitation |
Karaush I.S., Kupriyanova I.E. (Tomsk) |
Colour preference features in adaptive protective styles of patients with early neurotic disorders forms |
Petrushin S.V. (Kazan) |
The resonance approach usage in consulting and psychotherapy |
Popenko N.V., Loginova I.O., Cherdantsev D.V. (Krasnoyarsk) |
Psychotherapeutic influence potential over chronic obliterating lower extremities artery diseases patients' medical-psychological support |
Medical psychology in somatic clinic |
Delaryu V.V., Yudin S.A., Borzenko A.S. (Volgograd) |
Psychological/ psychotherapeutic rendering assistance to T.B. patients (according to the sociological study) |
Applied investigations in medical psychology |
Sirota N.A., Yaltonsky V.M., Moskovchenko D.V. (Moscow) |
Players' cognitive sphere characteristic in multiuser online-simulation games with varying degree of Internet dependent behavior |
Vinokur V.A. (St. Petersburg), Agapova E.V. (Volgograd) |
Affective disorders and self-appraisal of health by office employees experiencing professional exhaustion or distress |
Social medical psychology |
Veyts A.E. (Sumgait, Azerbaijan) |
Children with neurosis-like disorders and emotional sphere neuroses: the role of domestic environment |
Kazennykh T.V. (Tomsk) |
Epilepsy patients' family contexts: organizing and rehabilitation models |
In the information part of the issue presented:
Obituary, dedicated to Boris Viniaminovich Iovlev. He was a candidate of medical sciences, worker of Scientific Institute of V.M. Bekhterev (St. Petersburg).
Lection-presentation for doctors:
Semke V.I. (Tomsk). Scientific organizing directions of psychiatrical aids improvements for the population in Siberia.
Semke Valentin Iakovlevich is a professor, doctor of medicine, academic at the Russian Academy of Medical Science, Russian Honoured Science Worker, General Manager of the Psychical Health Research Institute of Russian Academy of Medical Sciences.