Children and adolescents with disabilities: suicidal behavior characteristicsKupriyanova I.I., Karaush I.S., Dashieva B.A. (Tomsk)
Abstract. The authors of the present communication study the mental health of different groups of children and adolescents belonging to the category of persons with disabilities. The article presents a fragment of the given research which is devoted to the problem of suicidal behavior of children with disabilities — students of special correctional schools. The data relating to suicidal behavior for children in this category (64 students grades 5-11 boarding school for the visually impaired and blind children) compared to their peers in secondary schools (60 pupils of the same age group) are presented. The clinical method and an anonymous questionnaire used. The suicidal, depressed mood, feelings of loneliness were more common in students with disabilities than in students of secondary school. One of the possible reasons was the awareness of existing health problems and own defect that should be a target for psycho and psychotherapeutic work. Among the students of secondary schools 28.3% reported a suicide attempt which took place or a clear intention. The illustration showed the clinical observation (teen with hearing) with analysis and discussion. Directions of complex medical-psychological and pedagogical assistance for the prevention of suicidal behavior among children and adolescents regarding how to work directly with students, teachers and family of are discussed. Key words: children with disabilities, children with impaired hearing and vision, suicidal behavior, children with emotional and volitional disorders, children with mental health disorders, children without health disorders.