ISSN 2219-8245

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Rumination phenomenon in the structure of youth anxiety-depression experience

Kolpakov Y.V., Yaltonsky V.M. (Moscow)



Kolpakov Y.V.

Kolpakov Yaroslav Vitalyevich

–  is a clinical psychologist, candidate of psychological sciences, assistant worker of prophylaxis narcology department in Scientific Narcology Center of Russian Ministry of Health.


Yaltonsky V.M.

Yaltonsky Vladimir Mikchaylovich

–  is a doctor of medicine, professor of clinical psychology department in Moscow State Medical-Sanitary University of A.I. Evdokimov, chief of prophylaxis narcology department in Scientific Narcology Center of Russian Ministry of Health.



Abstract. Article considered the investigation of rumination phenomenon in the structure of youth anxiety-depression experience. There were tested 71 persons in the age of 17 till 34. The information revealed about gender differences and correlations between rumination phenomenon and anxiety-depressive disorders. Rumination phenomenon revealed in cognitive and emotional personal changes. The prophylaxis of these changes permits to reduce risk of anxiety-depressive disorders, alcohol addiction development.

Key words: subjective experience of loneliness, anxiety-depressive experience, rumination phenomenon.





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