The differentiation method and its employment in family consultancyPetrushin S.V. (Kazan)
Abstract. This article considers an approach that can be used in consultations on interpersonal relationship problems. It is based upon a supposition that various problems in relationship sphere are caused by unconscious mixing of different levels, kinds and subsystems of relationships by the married couple. Therefore the way of solving problems lies in differentiation of these levels. As a basis the author distinguishes social (conventional), emotional (unconventional) and sexual (intimate) relations. The specificity of each level and the basic rules for their construction are clearly recognized. According to the state of one or the other level there is a proposed typology of different types of marriage and family relations. Such subsystems of relations as matrimonial and parental, personal and parental family are identified and analyzed. It is possible to observe the kinds of relationships (professional and personal, familiar and alien) as well as the consequences of their misinterpretation. The results of the author's approach of differentiation relations in the practice of family counseling are also described in the article. Key words: counseling, differentiation of levels, types and subsystems of relations, marriage and family relations.