ISSN 2219-8245

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Rheumatoid arthritis and its psychological aspects
(literature review)

Grekhov R.A., Kharchenko S.A., Suleymanova G.P.,
Latyshova P.V., Lyashchenko M.A. (Volgograd)



Grekhov R.A.

Grekhov Rostislav Alexandrovich

–  is a doctor of medicine, chief of clinical psychology laboratory in Scientific Institute of clinic and experimental rheumatology RAMC.


Kharchenko S.A.

Kharchenko Svetlana Alexandrovna

–  is a candidate of medical sciences, scientific worker of clinical psychology laboratory in Scientific Institute of clinic and experimental rheumatology RAMC.


Suleymanova G.P.

Suleymanova Galina Pavlovna

–  is a candidate of medical sciences, scientific worker of clinical psychology laboratory in Scientific Institute of clinic and experimental rheumatology RAMC.


Latyshova P.V.

Latyshova Polina Valeryevna

–  is a assistant worker in clinical psychology laboratory in Scientific Institute of clinic and experimental rheumatology RAMC.


Lyashchenko M.A.

Lyashchenko Maria Alexandrovna

–  is a assistant worker in clinical psychology laboratory in Scientific Institute of clinic and experimental rheumatology RAMC.



Abstract. Scientific clinical and psychological domestic and foreign researches in the field of rheumatoid arthritis published over the last 5 years are reviewed in the present article. Psychological aspects of the disease, the role of emotions as starting factor in arthritis development, interrelation between life history, the psychosocial conflicts and beginning of the disease and its clinical course are considered in detail. Data on influence of the disease on everyday life and emotional condition of patients, their interpersonal and social relationship, and quality of life are provided. The review of the publications which have appeared in recent years testifies to constantly growing interest of researchers to psychological aspects of rheumatoid arthritis and a tendency to improvement of psychological rehabilitation of these patients. Alternative psychological strategies of overcoming the diseases turned to psychological needs of patients, promoting increase of personal resources and decrease of psychological stress are considering as perspective: self-control, clinical-and-psychological service, religiousness, social and family support, optimization of physical activity, application of biological feedback.

Key words: rheumatoid arthritis, chronic pain, anxiety, depression, quality of life.





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