ISSN 2219-8245

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Children with poor health end their adaptation to pre-school education

Sidorkina T.Y. (Krasnoyarsk)



Sidorkina T.Y.

Sidorkina Tatiana Yuryevna

–  is a candidate of psychological sciences, assistant worker of child's psychology department in Krasnoyarsk State pedagogic University of V.P. Astafyev.



Abstract. The article presents the results of research on specific adaptation of frequently ill children to the conditions of pre-school educational institutions with regard to their psychosomatic status and parental attitude towards them on the part of mothers and fathers if compared with the category of their healthy peers. The article covers some aspects of the problem on development of the personality of frequently ill children, methods and procedure of diagnostic adaptation of this category of children, their psychosomatic status and parental attitude towards them. The article reveals study results for the adaptation of children in two groups: frequently sick and healthy, and describes the significant difference in terms of adaptation and preparedness to pre-school education of frequently ill children and their healthy peers, demonstrates the interdependence of the adaptation indicators upon the types of parental attitude and psychosomatic status. The results suggest that the willingness to pre-school education of frequently ill children reliably differs by a number of indicators from their healthy peers. Besides, significant differences in time (duration) of adaptation of these groups of children were obtained. When determining the specific features of parental attitude towards children it was revealed that parental attitude to frequently ill children is, in most cases, ineffective. The given results predetermined the idea, direction and demonstrated the results of correctional-developing work on creating favorable adaptation for frequently ill children. The main directions of the program were: optimization of parental attitude to the frequently ill child, preparation of children to attend pre-school educational institutions. The results of the control cut showed reliable, positive changes in the specific adaptation to pre-school education for frequently ill children and in parents' attitude towards them. This serves as the foundation for the key findings of the research.

Key words: adaptation, frequently ill children, parental attitude, psychosomatic status, optimization of the parental attitude, the readiness of children to pre-school educational institution.





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